About us

Since 1991, the PWA Group has been creating the conditions for top performance of mobile workers in demanding environments through advanced information technology and customized in-house developments.

With a deep-rooted commitment to quality and outstanding customer service, we are one of the market’s leading solution providers.

PWA Electronic Service- & Vertriebs GmbH

Our customers

Our customers are small to large companies and public clients.

We like to give back to our customers the fun we have working with them and the challenges they face in the rapidly changing market.

Sascha Pfannmüller, Jürgen Antl, Björn Röder, Jens Rhein

Our portfolio

With our own developments and warranty-preserving product adaptations, we offer individual, flexible solutions with robust, mobile hardware. Market-leading and standard-setting mobile industrial PCs are at the heart of our portfolio.

Our Vision

We aim to be the ‘European Competence Hub’, the first point of contact and benchmark for expertise in challenging and complex working environments in Europe. As such, we strive to meet the needs of our customers through continuous development and provision of comprehensive solutions to exceed our customers’ expectations in terms of distribution, services and solutions. Our goal is to have a sustainable impact on the efficiency of mobile work flows through future-oriented IT solutions.
Jürgen Antl, Chairman

Our employees

The social security of our employees generates the foundation for our committed and satisfied team. We value and enjoy working with our customers. With great enthusiasm we take on the challenges of a constantly changing market.


We guarantee the availability of products that at times are difficult to procure. Our individual in-house developments and products offer flexible tailor-made solutions. In doing so market-leading we are focusing on mobile rugged hardware in our portfolio. Thanks to exclusive service and distribution agreements, we fulfill a service level at the highest level.

Our milestones